Saturday 15 September 2018, 11:00am
Sponsored by: American Legion Riders Post 259
When: Saturday 9/15/18 (Click to add to add this your calendar)
Registration: 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Kick Stands Up: 11:00 am
Cost: $20/person $15 per passenger (includes meal)
Pre-Registration Link:
Flier: Download
Route: View
Location: Oneonta Vets Club
Each year the American Legion Riders Post 259 offer offer support to the Legacy Scholarship Fund with their Legacy Run. This years scenic ride begins at the Oneonta Vets Club and includes stops at 4 additional at the Richfield Springs, Waterville, Norwich and Sidney American Legions or Vets Clubs. The registration price includes a bbq chicken dinner at the Oneonta Vets Club at end of the ride. There will be Chinese Auction and door prize giveaways Raffles and prizes at the end of the ride. Pre-register to get your 2018 Legacy Run pin, available while supplies last.
Come early and enjoy breakfast from 8:00 am to 10:00 am!